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This is the official code for CDL (collaborative deep learning).More details on models are results can be found in this blog post.It consists of two parts: a matlab component and a C++ component. Commercial driver's license training (or CDL training) is a specialized instructional program or course designed to prepare a student to obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL), which is required for a career as a truck driver in the United States.During training, students are taught the necessary knowledge and skills to pass a series of tests to obtain their CDL. CDL's Sustainability Ideas, Initiatives & Impacts: Adding Value to Business – Presentation Slides 14/08/12 Half Year Financial Results 2012- Analyst Presentation CDL technology has applications for machine learning, for handwriting recognition and input methods, for optical character recognition (OCR), and most importantly for human language-learning. The basic elements of CDL are a flexible two-dimensional coordinate space, and a set of basic stroke types.

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City Developments Limited, also commonly referred to by its abbreviation, CDL, or as CityDev, is a Singaporean multinational real estate operating organisation. Founded in 1963, CDL first developed projects in Johor Bahru, Malaysia and Singapore. Due to geo-political changes, CDL was making a loss before being controlled by Hong Leong Bank via shares acquisition in 1969. IBM中国开发中心,全称(IBM China Development Lab,CDL),成立于1999年。经过20年的蓬勃发展,CDL已经从当初一百多人的团队发展成为如今的3000多人的庞大组织,跃居IBM全球规模最大的软件开发实验室,更是IBM众多软件开发中心中唯一同时进行IBM核心五大品牌软件(Websphere、Lotus、Imformation Management、Tivoli 26/02/2021 智联校园招聘xiaoyuan.zhaopin.com为应届大学毕业生及在校生提供最新校园招聘信息,实习信息以及校园宣讲会信息等.为企业提供一站式专业人力资源服务,包括网络招聘,报纸招聘,校园招聘,猎头服务,招聘外包,企业培训以及人才测评等. CDL's net gearing ratio, factoring in revaluation surplus from investment properties, stood at 52 per cent as at Sept 30, 2020, the company said, adding that it has strong cash reserves of $3.3

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